Saturday, January 11, 2014

the past 10 years, a reflection

What will the last year of my 20's bring? If it is anything like the past 10 years it might be pretty radical.  

19 depressed on my birthday due to the fact that I was 1 year closer to 30 and I had 1 year left of being a teenager
20 out of school for a few days because of a kidney infection (2 years of not using university toilets definitely had something to do with it), Danny finally moved to San Diego
21 turned 21, still attending uni, I had changed my major at least 3 times and I was kicking ass managing at the movie theatre
22 graduated and earned my BS in Mgmt, moved out on my own for the first time, got my first real job after college
23 worked for a freaking awesome company called FirstAgain
24 graduated and earned my MBA, traveled with Rach to Spain, traveled to Peru for the first time
25 paid off my student loans, road trippin the east coast, married Danny, moved to Peru
26 traveled parts of the year from Peru, Columbia and Brazil to Europe with Danny & my mom and Rach for part of it
27 moved to Australia, started my passionate career as a barista, visited Cambodia & Thailand
28 lived in 2 different continents, saw the great barrier reef, climbed and trekked the Peruvian Andes, almost passed out multiple times at altitudes of 5000 M and up. 

29 Aside from becoming a really cool rollerblader ... who knows!!!